When I rolled out of bed at 5:30 the first thing I noticed was a bright flash of lightning, then the roar of thunder and the sound of substantial amounts of rain on the roof of the deck. I went to the kitchen and started making coffee...I heard a ticking sound against the window. I turned on an outside light and saw it...HAIL all over the deck. I took my coffee back to bed.
Jeff and Pablo are heartier souls than I. Things were fine when they left Redwood City, but when they got a little farther south, it turned to shit. They made the rest of the trip through torrential rain, cold and even snow.

Thank God for laundromats with dryers.

Scott brought his new chop down from Grants Pass, Oregon

Thomas rode in from Las Vegas

The Grants Pass crew and their trailer

Bastards hit the road running

Johnny Wolf joins the crew on Saturday