He walks up to me and says, "You gotta go back to Gary Bang and pick up a trigger rotor." I hop back on the trusty steed and head south. Just as I get to Tempelton, I run out of gas. I switch to reserve and head for the nearest exit. Thankfully, there is a gas station just on the other side of the freeway, as my reserve is only good for about a quarter of a mile. I had to push the bike the last 3 or 400 yards.

While he is putting on his new trigger rotor, I notice I've lost my nuts (the ones that secure my sissy bar to the rear fender). The bolts couldn't fall out because they were stopped by the tire, but I couldn't ride very far like that.

San Lucas, for those of you who haven't been there doesn't qualify to have it's own off ramp because there is NOTHING there. We found two elder gents sitting in their garage telling lies. They looked pretty surprised when a couple of dirty bikers pull into their driveway, but they were kind enough to scrounge around and find a couple of 5/16 nuts for us and loaned us a wrench to put them on. They also graciously posed for a picture.

Jeff shot me while we were heading to Paso Robles to find some lunch. My expression belies the fact that my poor old butt was really aching by now.

The place we ended up eating was entirely my fault. Jeff asked me what kind of food I liked, I said Mexican. I, like Jeff, prefer black beans....they didn't have any. I asked for HOT sauce, they brought coolaid.
The beer was pretty good.

When we were ready to leave on our separate paths, Jeff went to the side of the road and came back with three bricks. The perfect tripod for a parting shot. Jeff rebuffed the offer of a nice gentleman who offered to take the pic for us...he probably would have put our faces in the middle of the picture, cutting out the bikes and unfortunate choice of restaurants.
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